Ladies and gentlemen of Congress, it has come time for you to grow up. Quit acting like a couple of spatting gangs of kindergarteners and come to a deal. Quit hiding behind your sacred cows, and make the hard decisions. You are playing with the lives of the very people who elected you in good faith to represent them, and you are not doing a thing for them.
Grow up.
I know you hate to touch your beloved Military, but what kind of message are we sending to the world, when we are spending more than the ENTIRE WORLD on our military? Also, taxes. You are being lead around by the nose by a man who wants you all to lose your jobs, and to kill the United States of America, and replace it with the Fifty Feuding Fiefdoms. Many of your constituents wish the same, but if this is to be a cohesive country, then we need a Central Government, not fifty little countries. And to do that we need to raise the tax rate. It’s been at one of the lowest rates in fifty years. A lot of you look back on the Fifties with rose-colored glasses, as a golden age of Conservatism, but you choose not to remember that during the 1950’s the tax rate was considerably higher, and it was the very beginnings of our current debit-based economy. Taxes need to be higher, spending on things like military and subsidies need to be lower, and we need to eliminate foreign aid to countries that hate the US.
Also, you need to stop planning on eliminating the programs that people depend upon. What are you all trying to do? Kill off a whole class of people? True the elderly and disabled do not contribute to your campaign funds, but they do vote, and they do spend the money they receive to do their small part to help the economy. It doesn’t help them if you cut off their income. Nobody will help them, because their families can’t afford to do so, thanks to this horrible economy. So they will starve. Charities aren’t getting the funding, because it is mainly the middle and lower classes who contribute to local charities, and their local churches. Celebrities contribute to the big-name charities, that do grand far-reaching studies, or to the charities in their own neighborhoods. Funding is short, everywhere, and by cutting Social Security and Medicare, you are doing nothing less than killing off the elderly and disabled.
You have allowed your rancor over party politics, and your eagerness to allow yourselves to be divided along ideological lines to keep from uniting to find a solution that takes the best ideas from both sides, and discards the worst. However, it seems that you are all being driven to keep the worst ideas at the cost of the best, just for the sake of being true to the lunatic fringe of your various ideological extremes.
You have forgotten that you are supposed to be Americans, FIRST and FOREMOST. You are supposed to be American, first, then Party Member, Religion Member, Race Member, and Gender Member. Instead you have it all reversed. Party Member, Religion Member, Race Member, Gender Member all before being an AMERICAN.
Grow up, and get your priorities straight. Then, maybe, both sides can make the grown-up decisions that you need to, instead of bickering like schoolchildren over choice treats.